
Curriculum Statement

At Dee Banks we aim to provide every pupil with a curriculum that is varied, balanced, challenging, engaging, personalised and motivating to them as individuals. Staff provide a seamless blend of group work and specific teaching around personal goals (from pupils’ Education Health Care Plans and Personalised Learning Intention Maps) to support pupils to reach their full potential. Preparation for adult life is at the heart of the curriculum and development communication, independence, confidence, emotional resilience and self-help skills being key components of this. This supports pupils to access both the school and wider community and to continue to learn.

For further information and detail on how the curriculum is designed for different Key Stages and pathways, please look at the curriculum overview and curriculum policy.

For further information on our curriculum please contact your child’s class teacher or make arrangements to speak to the Jo Williams (Deputy head) by emailing [email protected]

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Dee Banks School

Take a Journey through
our world where every
student matters!


Dee Banks SchoolSandy Lane, Chester, CH3 5UX

01244 667800 [email protected]


Dee Banks School

Take a Journey through
our world where every
student matters!