Our blogs

Bonfire Night, by Mrs Bradford

Firework painting, by Miss Dines

Redwood Rememberence, by Mr Thomas

Birthday Time!, by Mrs Daymond

Tacpac, by Mrs Daymond

Autumn Sensory Story, by Mrs Daymond

Art Attack, by Mrs Williams

Diwali Festival, by Miss Smith

Fireworks, by Mrs O'Sullivan

Dee Banks Choir Performance, by Miss Gibbins

Out and About, by Mrs Briggs

Fun at the Park, by Miss Gibbins

Art, by Mrs O'Sullivan

Nature Walk, by Miss Dines

Let, by Mrs Fearon

CAFT Residential, by Miss Gibbins

Tea and Toast, by Mr Thomas

Halloween Fun !, by Miss Allen

A Spooky Spectacular..., by Mrs Briggs

Cooking in Willow, by Mr Bradbury

Halloween fun!, by Miss Dix-Baker

This is Halloween, by Mr Thomas

Halloween Fun, by Miss Taylor


Dee Banks School

Take a Journey through
our world where every
student matters!


Dee Banks SchoolSandy Lane, Chester, CH3 5UX

01244 667800 [email protected]


Dee Banks School

Take a Journey through
our world where every
student matters!